Monday, December 5, 2011

Review: Almay Intence I-Color for Hazels

I was waiting for so long to get this and I was so happy to find it at Big Lots for about $2!  There is a really light and shimmering shade that is like a hazel but has wonderful pigment.  The middle shade is spectacular! I love the sheen it gives while the color payoff is amazing! The pink is slightly metallic and is a very beautiful shade with the others!

every color is buttery smooth and has lasting power.  Each pan is about 1.2 g and the slightest touch is enough.  Yes, they still sell this at Target and Walmart and I suggest you look for it at Safeway.  There is not too much glitter, shimmer and each shade works [perfectly for each place it is meant to be.

You know how you will get a trio and one shade just doesn't work?  This is not the case!  Each color compliments the others.  All of the swatches are not on a primer.
Pros: inexpensive, shades compliment the others, buttery smooth texture, not powdery, sturdy and cute packaging.
Cons: I don't have any really!

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