Saturday, August 16, 2014

School Begins!

     Today I went and met my teachers for the enrichment program I am completing. I have two teachers but three classes as I mentioned before. Two of the classes are taught by the same teacher: Beginning Piano and Beginning Guitar. I have played both of these instruments before but I have never been taught or played regularly. The best thing about this program is that I am going to be a Student Assistant for one of the classes because I have an off hour. There are two math classes, a composition class, and an art class available to be an assistant for. Obviously I am hoping to assist the art teacher since I am considering getting a minor in art so that I can teach it but I never have tried teaching. I would not decline the other classes but I would be very disappointed. I met a few people that have at least one class with me. One is older, one is younger, but they seem really nice and maybe I will befriend them.
     I cannot wait till I get my Physics curriculum. Everyone seems to be sold out of the Chemistry I am going to take this year but I do not need it till January. I still need to get Adv. Math, but that is not a pressing issue since I still need to finish Algebra 2.
     So a little while ago, I convinced my brother to read the Harry Potter series with me. Before, I was three books ahead of him but now I am half a book behind. Right now I am exactly half way done with the series. After this series is done, I think that I will convince him to read the Percy Jackson series since I know that it is a lot of mythology. I know it has lots of spin-offs with different mythology in them so I think that he would enjoy it. In case you did not know, there are five books in the "Percy Jackson and the Olympians" series, five books in the "Heroes of Olympus" series (the fifth book is being released October 7th, by the way), and three books in the "Kane Chronicles". So that gives us at least 13 books to read after Harry Potter and then we can say we read twenty books together! After that, I have not planned that far ahead...Eventually, the Norse mythology series will come out and we will read that!
     Well I should go sleep....or read..... or wait both wont is three o'clock in the morning and is both too late and too early for this...

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