Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Hair Type Quiz

I got this quiz from American Girl's book Hair and I thought that it would be a great thing to share!

1. When you put a barrette in your hair, it usually...

a. won't close unless there is a small amount of hair.

b. slides out.

c. gets hidden around poofs of hair.

d. clips with no problem.

2. If your hair dries naturally, it takes...

a. forever! lol

b. around 30 minutes.

c. an hour and a half.

d. about an hour.

3. If you do nothing but brush your hair, it...

a. sticks out in all the wrong places!

b. lies flat as a pancake on your head.

c. gets frizzy.

d. looks fine.

4. When you braid your hair the end looks...

a. flared and big.

b. as thin as the braid.

c. curly and fluffy.

d.a little flared but pretty much the same size as the braid.


a's: Thick hair

b's: thin hair

c's: curly or coarse

d's: meduim

**If you have more than one letter answer your hair can be a mix of both like mine is meduim/thick. Your hair can be fine and thick or coarse and medium.**

1 comment:

  1. Thanx cause i actually always get confused weather its thin or medium! I have thin hair!
