Wednesday, December 21, 2011

In's and Out's 12-21-11


  1. Snow-The snow here is so gorgeous! It is ppowdery and sticky and very thick! It also glitters...

  2. Glitter-Sparkley and shiney things have always had a special place in my heart! *.-*-.*

  3. Christmas-I love celebrating Jesus's birthday and giving gifts to others! I'll do a December haul after Christmas.

  4. Candles-I got a candle for Christmas from a friend and it made me want to burn some and get a pine candle for Christmas. I have a fake tree so ot has no smell.

  5. Coffee-I have been sleeping late and going to bed even later so I get groggy, thus causing me to need energizing. Thank you coffee!

  6. Fuzzy PJs-I have two pairs of fuzzy jammies with one white with Hello Kitty and the other pink with Tweety Bird in a snow cap! So warm and comfy!

  7. Dancing and Pointe-During this month, I have been preparing for pointe and dancing around my house because I could not do dance this month.

  8. Reading-Reading has always been one of my favorite things to do as a pastime and my new favorite series is the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins! I have recently picked up two other books as well...


  1. Not Blogging-As you have read, I have been exaused! Thus I have tried but failed at blogging.

  2. Sleeping Late-When I decide that I am going to go to bed earlier, I am either not tired or need to do something, or am kept up by, ahem, others.

  3. Sprained Wrists/Shoulder-I have been practicing dance more so I am working muscles that haven't been so they have been hurting.

Hope you enjoyed this quick little post!

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